
Monday 28 August 2017

Let me tell you about the worst mistake

Let me tell you about the worst mistake

Let me tell you about  the worst mistake I have made at home.  One day my dad just come for work he had an Samsung Galaxy Note 5+ in is hand. It was new and inside the pack. I was in my room. When he got inside he called me so I went to him. I almost fainted when I saw the Samsung Galaxy Note 5+ when he said it was my one! I felt so happy, it was as if I was going to Paris. But then two weeks later I went outside with my phone. It was in my hand the whole time. Then when my mum called me to come in inside I ran to the house and the phone slipped out of my hands and fell on the ground. I was as worried as if I was cat that did not want to go to the vet. I had no idea what to do. It was so scary and then I had to tell him. Sadly now I am not getting a phone until I am year 8 and it's going to be an iphone 6+. My sister has one but I don’t. It was my worst mistake ever and it wouldn’t have happened if i had an screen protector.

Today we did the 5-7-10 activity for writing to describe the worst mistake we have ever made. We had to write for 5 minutes, share what we had written with a buddy for 7 minutes, and then carry on writing for another 10 minutes.

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